Friday, February 4, 2011

Q&A: How come some states are “red” and others are “blue”?

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Question by Hullo, your argument is invalid: How come some states are "red" and others are "blue"?

I mean, I know its because of the peoples opinions, but how did it get that way in the first place? Did a ton of Republicans just all decide, "Hey, Texas is a nice place to live! Let's go y'all!" Or like that in a highly democratic state for example. I don't know why, but I just wonder what effects peoples opinions greatest from states and how it could be completely different just a state over. And please no "Everyone has their own opinion" answers. Because I get that part. Thanks in advance.

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Answer by rasmalai001
most of the educated people live in the North East, and in California. Boston, San Francisco, New York City etc. Hence they are blue states

Most of the uneducated people live in the South and Midwest, like Missouri or Mississippi. Hence they are red states.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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