Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bargain Buys for Baby's First Year

Brightly colored toys, tiny clothes, cases of formula and sturdy strollers all come with a hefty price tag. Even before a new baby arrives, the shopping begins - for necessities (car seat, crib, feeding equipment) and frivolities (fluffy booties, a flotilla of stuffed toys). Leah Severson knows what babies need and what parents desire, and she's done a thorough investigation of how to get the best for less -- in some cases even for free!

Bargain Buys for Baby's First Year will save you up to 50% on:

* baby furniture
* clothing
* formula
* diapers
* toys
* books
* safety equipment
* and more

Learn money and time saving tricks like how to make your own baby wipes (faster than it takes to buy them at the store). Also discover which big-ticket items you and your baby can live without -- and which items are downright dangerous or unnecessary.

Bargain Buys for Baby's First year is your best weapon against newborn sticker shock.

List Price: $ 13.99

Price: $ 1.39

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